Monday 15 December 2014

Angalifu dies at age 44; Remaining 5 northern white rhinoceroses left in the entire world

A northern white rhinoceros died at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park in California on Sunday, bringing the total number left to five in the entire world. The rhino, Angalifu, who was about 44 years old, apparently died of old age, according to the Associated Press report.
“Angalifu’s death is a tremendous loss to all of us,” said the park’s curator, Randy Rieches, in a statement, according to the AP. “Not only because he was well-beloved here at the park but also because his death brings this wonderful species one step closer to extinction.”
The zoo took to Twitter to memorialize Angalifu and draw attention to the plight of the northern white rhino via the #EndExtinction hashtag:
''Angalifu passed away. 5 northern white rhinos remain #RIP #EndExtinction Pls share condolences. Photo: Helene Hoffman''

His death leaves only one northern white rhino at the zoo — a female named Nola — one at a zoo in the Czech Republic and three in a preserve in Kenya.

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