Friday, 8 May 2015


Image shows Dr Crozier's eye 14 weeks after the onset of Ebola. The arrows point to inflammatory cells clumping together due to the virus, which caused high blood pressure and vision problems

A man has been found to have Ebola in his eye several months after he was treated for the condition, which has also turned his iris from blue to green.
Ian Crozier, an American doctor, was diagnosed with Ebola in September 2014 while working in Sierra Leone with the World Health Organization.
He was sent back to the US where he received treatment at Emory University Hospital's special Ebola unit in Atlanta, Georgia.
Dr Ian Crozier was diagnosed with Ebola in September 2014 while working for the World Health Organisation in Sierra Leone
Dr Ian Crozier was diagnosed with Ebola in September 2014 while working for the World Health Organisation in Sierra Leone

Dr Crozier left the hospital in October when Ebola was no longer detected in his blood, according to the New England Journal of Medicine.
But two months later he developed an inflammation and very high blood pressure in his left eye, causing swelling and serious vision problems.
He returned to the same hospital where he had originally been treated, and an ophthalmologist, Dr Steven Yeh, removed some of the fluid and tested it for Ebola.
Doctors say all survivors of Ebola should be monitored for possible eye infections, after Dr Ian Crozier was found to have the virus in his eye - but not his blood - two months after being declared free of the virus
Doctors say all survivors of Ebola should be monitored for possible eye infections, after Dr Ian Crozier was found to have the virus in his eye - but not his blood - two months after being declared free of the virus

Besides the problems with his vision, Dr Crozier's iris changed colour, going from blue to green 10 days after the symptoms were first detected.
After undergoing treatment with a variety of medicines, Dr Crozier began to recover his vision - although it is still not fully recovered - and his eye colour returned to normal.
Experts say cases of eye inflammation and problems with vision have been reported among survivors of Ebola in previous outbreaks, as well as among people with a virus known as Marburg, which is similar to Ebola.
But such cases are rare, the medical journal said.
In the current outbreak, some cases of people with eye trouble have been reported among survivors of Ebola.

CREDIT: Dailymail UK

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