Wednesday 19 November 2014


Kim and family traveled to thailand earlier this year on vacation where she met a 13 year old orphan who she bonded with.Kim felt the connection between she and the girl and she was looking forward to adopt the girl. The girl gave Kim a bracelet as a gift.
After trying her best to adopt the kid, unfortunately, the girl said No.
Kim talked about it on her reality show, she said:
‘When you meet someone that you really connect to like this, you can’t help but think like how you could change their life. And I think that looking into adoption would be amazing.I literally cannot stop thinking about her. I told Kanye, I was like, honestly, this girl is so sweet and so cute, like, I would honestly adopt her.’
Kim claimed that the reason why she was unable to adopt the kid was due to Thailand strict laws
Kim got busted! According to Mailonline, it’s been learnt that the girl called Pink actually said NO.
‘When I found out she wanted to adopt me, I was shaking. I was so excited. It would be such a change of life for me. When she came here, it seemed as if I was the first one she looked at and smiled at. We had a connection straight away. I think she is really pretty and she has a very nice personality.’
‘I thought she was lovely and I really enjoyed meeting her – and I loved being on TV too.I spoke to my mum about Kim and she said ‘When you finish High School and you can look after yourself, I will give you permission to go and live with Kim if you want to go’,’ ‘But the other children here and like brothers and sisters to me and I couldn’t leave them behind.
They are my family and I couldn’t just go away and leave them.’Everyone wants to have a different or a better life, I suppose. But when I thought about it I realised it wouldn’t be good for me, because I would have to leave so much behind. I wasn’t ready for that.I would like to see her again one day if it’s possible. But not just Kim – I’d like to meet her husband and her daughter as well. I’d like to meet the whole family.’

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